Our Address:
The British Larder Suffolk pub and restaurant, British Larder Suffolk, Orford Road, Bromeswell, Woodbridge, Suffolk, IP12 2PU. Phone: 01394 460 310
Q - The most frequently asked question is where does my plates, crockery and glass ware come from?
A – This is so interesting. One of the many reasons why I launched The British Larder was because of my obsession with beautiful table ware and Mr.P’s obsession with kitchen gadgets. I have been collecting since I can remember and have one room in my house dedicated solely to my collection of random plates, cups, glasses, knifes, bowls etc. I have traveled the world and when I see something beautiful well then I have to have it. Art galleries and antique markets is one of my favourite places to pick up something pretty. I also have done a bit of pottery work and therefore a couple of bit’s is my own handy work. Most of my collection comes from Ceramica Blue. It’s a very naughty shop situated in the heart of London’s Notting Hill, I have to limit the amount of visits otherwise I will run out of space.
Q – Who takes the photos?
A – I have been asked this question by so many people, and I’m proud to say it’ me. Not only do I love food and cooking but have found that the art of photography helps me to express my passion for food and cooking.
Q- When is the book out?
A – The British Larder Cookbook will be published in the summer 2012.